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How God Changed My Way of Life

Writer's picture: Maurice Paul ObonyoMaurice Paul Obonyo

Updated: Jul 2, 2019

Prophetic Encounters In God

How It All Began

I thought that I was a humble man at the time the Lord called me to be a prophet. He spoke referring to me as ‘humble man’. I wondered: why is the Lord calling me a humble man? He courteously acknowledged me as ‘Mister’ in the beginnings of my journey in the office of the Prophet. He is the Father to all the prophets who are in His will. When a prophet is in God’s will, he will be told who Jesus is. If a prophet is not able to hear who Jesus is, he has not been called by the Lord. When I hear of people seeking prophets, I wonder: who has sent them to those prophets? I now do understand why people seek prophets when they are oppressed by what is happening around them.

When a person has been called to be a prophet, he will definitely experience many trials in his life. It is a call to give up all for the Lord. If you are a prophet and are asking: how can I continue being in a place which is not God’s will for me? It is what I had to go through in my life. I was a person who did not want any confrontation in my life. If a person was determined to provoke me, I would try as much as possible to suppress any temptation to provoke back. One day I asked my cousin who had provoke me to get out of my house. He thought I was joking and called me confused. He had assumed I was still the same man that he had known before. Have you ever heard of a biblical character called Moses? He was a humble man who became aggressive to the extent that he was able to confront Pharaoh. A person who is able to confront such a king is not a person you would consider timid. He was previously not known as an authoritative before he went to confront pharaoh. Try to imagine a person who has been a slave before a mighty king commanding him to let other slaves free! That is the manner of man Moses was. He was filled with the Holy Ghost who enabled him do God’s will. How is a man able to be filled with the Holy Ghost? He is God! He is Jesus! A person who has God, will eventually be filled with the Holy Ghost. It is a topic that I will expound in another article. Let me concentrate on who a prophet is. Moses had to go and speak to Pharaoh at a time he was still in training with the Lord as a prophet. He was not in a home, neither was he in a house, he rather was in the wilderness. He did not have his wife or children with him in the wilderness. In fact he was in hiding because had previously killed a man. Have you ever tried to ask yourself: why am I facing all these persecutions? If you have ever heard the Lord call you, know that you will face persecution if you do not heed to God’s call. If you ask: How will I hear God’s call? I have elaborated in detail about how to hear God’s voice in my book: "Prophetic Encounters In God".

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How Will You Know Its God?

If you are in a situation where you asking: How can I know when God is speaking to me? Have you heard God speak to you before? If you have, ask yourself: How did He speak the first time? If He spoke to you through a prophet, it is a sign that all is not well in your life. When I first visited a prophet, I wondered: How does he hear what God is saying? I met a humble prophet who was in a church which had people who were all gifted with the Holy Ghost. If you are asking: How do people who have gifts from the Spirit able to use them in accordance with the Holy Spirit? It is a topic that I have explained in detail in another book of mine called: "Living In Obedience To God". There are gifts which are from the Spirit and are given only to people who are living in obedience to the Lord. If you are in a place which is not God’s will, you cannot receive any gift from the Spirit. You may ask but will not receive. A gift that is from the Spirit is supposed to help a believer obey the Lord. If you want to receive any gift from the Spirit, you have to abide in obedience to the Holy Spirit.

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Who Has A Gift of Prophecy?

Have you ever wondered: How can a man prophesy like Moses? If you thought that it was because he was a prayerful man, you are without knowledge! He was a man who was gifted with a gift of prophecy. He did not live in disobedience to God. He was always in God’s will and was filled with the power of the Holy Ghost as a result of his obedience. When a person asks: How can I start obeying the Holy Spirit if I do not hear Him speak? It is not possible for God to fail to speak to a person who is diligently seeking Him. If you have a curse that does not permit the Lord to speak to you, He will still endeavour to speak to you through signs. These are not the type of signs which you will receive through mediums, channelers and witch doctors. Every circumstance which is unexplainable in your life could be a sign that God is using to speak to you. When you are in such a situation, know that God is not able to speak to you directly. You need to repent so that He may speak to you directly. How will you know how to repent? You have to ask the Lord to guide you on how to repent. Have you ever asked the Lord for help? He is more than willing to guide you to repentance. What do you understand by repentance? It is a decision to become a person who is no longer distanced from God. If you say: “But I am a Christian”. It does not mean that a person who is a Christian is right with God. Everyone has sinned against God. Some people have curses that have drawn them further and further away from God. If they try to seek God, these curses do not allow God to hear them however loud they may be. He will not act until repentance is carried out. If you say: “I have been living a righteous life before God!” It does not matter, repent and start a new relationship with God. He does not behave like man. Had it been that you could make the rules, it would have been able for you to hear God speak directly to you! A person who needs a proxy to hear God speak, is already in a situation where he needs to repent.

Have You Sought A Prophet To Hear God Speak?

When a person decides to go to a prophet to hear God speak, he will speak to you oracles that are metaphorical. It is what a person who seeks a prophet will usually receive from God. Such a person will become even more confused as to what God is saying. What then is a prophet’s role? He is supposed to speak God’s mind to a group of people and not individuals. If you go and seek a prophet, know from now on that it is not God’s will. If David had sought Nathan the prophet, he would have destroyed his kingship. He was not aware of what was going on until the Lord sent Nathan to him. If David had rejected what Nathan had told him, he would have lost his kingdom. Prophets are supposed to be sent by God to the people that God wants to either encourage or admonish. A person who has been encouraged by a prophet is an obedient person to the Lord. A person who is usually discouraged by a prophet is a disobedient person to the Lord. If you are always asking yourself: How come I have received prophecies that have not come to pass? Know that you are dealing with false prophets. They are all over the world. Some of them are by the name of pastor cum prophet. A prophet can never be a pastor! The two callings are entirely different. A pastor is person who tends the flock whereas a prophet is a spokesman for God among His people. He cannot do what a pastor does. If a pastor preaches, a prophet will admonish or warn. If a pastor encourages, a prophet will rebuke according to God’s will. If a pastor has a following of people who are encouraged by him. A prophet will be deserted because of speaking things that will make people flee from him. A pastor’s work is to gather while a prophet’s work is to watch. If a pastor has gathered a lot of people and there are cursed people among them. God will send a prophet to call the people who are cursed among them to repent and bless the ones who are blessed. A prophet is not supposed to speak in his own will. A prophet who speaks on his own will, has never been a prophet. A prophet will only speak what the Holy Ghost is speaking and not otherwise. I have written about who a prophet is in detail in my books and will post an excerpt of who a prophet called Moses went through to lead Israel out of Egypt.

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