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How to Know if God Accepts Your Giving

Writer's picture:  Maurice Paul Obonyo Maurice Paul Obonyo

Updated: Jul 2, 2019

Giving is More Than Material Possessions

When a person is in God’s will, he will be able to know how and when to give. A person that is not in God’s will is not able to know how to give to God. Giving to God does not require a person to only give material possessions. If you have only been giving money to your local church and calling it Godly giving, know that it is not. A giver has to receive what he is going to give from the Giver; who is God. When a person gives what he has not received from God, he has sinned against Him. He has mixed a curse with a blessing. A curse is upon a giver who has given to God what he has received from the enemy. How will you know if what you are giving is from the enemy? As I mentioned earlier, not every giving is in material possessions. If you have a gift from the enemy, you cannot use that gift to worship God. If you do, you will acquire a curse from God and from the enemy as well.

Praise and Worship
Worshiping God is giving to Him

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Giving From What The Enemy Has Given To You

A person who has gifts from the enemy is not supposed to use those gifts to bless God and otherwise. If you use a gift which you received from the enemy to bless God, you will acquire cursed items using that gift. When I was a graphic designer, all the items that I acquired with that gift were cursed by God. The enemy is not going to give a person gifts which are his, he will steal them from another person. If you have a gift which is from the enemy, know that you are in possession of a gift that was meant for someone else. When you give to God all that you have, He will be able to tell you which gift is from Him and which one is not. If you have gifts that are from the enemy, you must relinquish those gifts to God. A gift that has not been relinquished to God is a tool for the enemy to use against you. I was told to relinquish my gift of being a designer to God. He then told me not to earn from being a designer. At that time, I did not know why God told me to stop earning as a designer. All I knew is that I had to obey. Had I not obeyed, I would not have received the gifts that God has given to me today. I have the gifts of writing, cooking, oratory, administration and wealth. A person who has gifts like the ones God has given to me is not able to stay in the enemy’s will. God will not let him do the enemy’s will.

If you are in a position where you want to know if you have gifts which are from the enemy, you need God to guide you on how to identify gifts which are from Him and those that are from the enemy. A gift which is from God is able to bring you wealth as you use it. If you have a gift which is from the enemy, you will lose wealth as you use it. If I was not able to stop being a designer, I would have earned much and gained less as I earned more. The opposite applies to a gift that is from God. A person with a gift from God will not need to work as hard as I worked. He will only need to give thanks to God for the gift that He gave to him. When I relinquished the gift of design, I was given a gift of prophecy at a greater level than before. If you thought that because you have some gifts, you cannot have those gifts at another level, you are lacking in knowledge.

Praying for people is a also giving to God

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Rewards From Godly Giving

If you abide in obedience to God, you will be rewarded with gifts which are from the Lord and gifts which are from God. Have you ever known the difference between gifts that are from the Lord and gifts that are from God? I have gifts that are from both the Lord and God. The gifts which are from God are those that He gives at birth. If you are a homemaker, you have a gift of a home. Another person may have the gift of wealth and yet another person may have the gift of peace, joy, and love. Such gifts are from God and are natural. I also have gifts of cooking, wealth, humility, hope, peace and joy from God. I also the gifts of prophecy, the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, revelation, diverse kinds of tongues, faith, oratory, understanding, interpretation, discernment of diverse kinds of spirits, working of miracles, and healing. You are not able to choose the gifts which God gives to you. However, on the other hand, you may choose the gifts which the Lord can give to you depending on your faith. If you are of little faith, the Lord will not give you most of the gifts of the Spirit. If you have much faith, the Lord will give you more gifts of the Spirit.

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