Who is Able to Receive God's Anointing?
A person who is in God's will eventually be anointed if he is living in obedience to God. If a person is desirous of being anointed by God and yet is not doing His will, he is going to be trapped by the enemy and will lack God's voice. How do people who are not doing God's will get anointed? There are people who are anointed by the enemy to do his will. The enemy's will may seem like it is God's will but will become confusing later on. A person who has set out to do the enemy's will is going to abandon it when it becomes burdensome to continue. If you were involved in seeking anointing without understanding what it is, you have placed the cart before the horse; it cannot move! A person who is anointed is always in God's presence. I have written what it means to be in God's presence in my article: "Who Can Enter God's Presence?" I have detailedly explained how anyone can enter into God's presence.
If you are a person without patience, you may want to have the anointing without entering into God's presence. His presence requires that you sacrifice your all for you to be invited by God for His service. When a person is living in obedience to God, he will most often be invited to enter into God's presence. How does someone live in obedience to God? You cannot live in obedience to God if you have curses in your life! You need to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and receive guidance on what type of curse you may be dealing with in your life. If you in a curse, you will not enter into God's presence.

How You Can Receive God's Anointing
When a person has cooperated with the Holy Spirit and has been healed of his curses, he will always be invited to enter into God's presence. God will test everyone who is living in obedience to Him and will expect that he is able to give his all. A person's all depends on what that person is willing to sacrifice to God. If you are willing to sacrifice a little of your all, you will also receive a little of the anointing. If you are willing to sacrifice all of your all, you will receive all of God's all! A person who has God's all, will become a bishop who is in the Father's presence. What is the difference between a bishop who is in the Father's presence and a bishop who is in God's presence? A bishop who is in the Father's presence is a person who has passed a series of tests that God has designed for him and been rewarded with the Father's wealth in abundance. It means that such a person cannot lack! He cannot lack the Father's voice and everything that he needs in this life and in the life to come.

What is the Anointing?
When a person has entered the Father's presence, he will start oppressing the enemy in every way. If he is in a place, the angels of God are in that place! He has the anointing of God upon him. He also has the power of God upon him at the time God wants him to have it. He will have anointing to operate in God's presence when God wants him to. A pastor cannot operate under the anointing of God at his discretion. He has to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for him to have an anointing from God. When a pastor has been filled with the Holy Ghost, he has been anointed by God. When a pastor is not in a congregation, he will be guided by the Holy Spirit. A prophet is a person who is always under anointing of the Holy Ghost; if he is a prophet who has been tested by God and has passed the tests, he will operate under the anointing of God. If that prophet has not yet passed the tests that God designed for him, he will operate under the guidance and influence of the Holy Spirit. When a pastor is living in obedience to God, he will always be invited to enter into God's presence. If a pastor has not entered God's presence for years after he has been in God's service, it means there is something wrong. He does not need to go and fast, or cry out to God for the anointing! What is the anointing? It is a gift that God gives to a person who has lived in His presence for a longer time than a person who has lived in the Lord's presence. The anointing is a gift from God to oppress the enemy whereas anointing is God's ability upon a person. If you are still confused about if God and the Lord are one and the same, Yes; the Lord is God but different in personality! God is the Holy Ghost and the Lord is the Holy Spirit and He is God. There is no difference apart from where you are in your walk with God! There are people who call God the Holy Spirit while others call Him the Holy Ghost, it depends on what you are in God. When a person has the Holy Ghost upon him, he is usually aggressive whereas a person who is full of the Holy Spirit will often be humble. A person who has the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon him will be intolerant to anything that is not of God! A person who has the anointing of the Holy Spirit in him is able to do God's will at ease. What does it mean to do God's will at ease? If you find it difficult to pray, a person who is anointed by God will not find it difficult at all, he can pray according to God's will all the time!
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