Will You Hold Back From God?
A person who has been in the Lord’s will for long will eventually not hold back anything from God. If you are asking: why does the Lord require a person to give to God what he has received from Him? If you have been gifted by God, you may be able to use gifts from Him for the glory of the enemy. If a person has a gift of children, they can be used by the enemy for his purposes. Children can be used to oppress a person who loves the Lord so that he may not have peace. If he gave those children to the Lord, the enemy will not be able to use them to oppress him. How can the enemy use children to oppress a person who loves the Lord? I have been to a place where the children were always sickly. Whatever surplus money their parents received, was spent on paying hospital bills for the children. The children were always sick at the time their parents had some money. When they did not have money, the children were healthy. Such children are a tool for the enemy to use against their parents.

Is There Anything You Own Without God?
If you have been told by the Lord to give your all, it means that the Lord is not going to ask you for what you have one by one. He wants to own everything you have! I have asked the Lord: what else do I have that is mine? I do not own anything at all! I gave all that I am to the Lord. If you are thinking: what does he own? I own a lot of wealth that I cannot be able to quantify. A time will come when the Lord will ask for your all. When the Lord asks for your all, it does not mean that you will become a pauper, rather, it means that you are being protected from the traps which the enemy has laid for you. If you are carnal, you may think that the Lord has decided to deny you what you own.
Why Should You Give Your All To God?
One day as I was driving my car, I stopped to ask for directions to a business that was by a nearby church. A lady offered to help and direct me to the business premises since she was on her way to the church. I asked her to enter the car so that I could drive her to the church that she was going to. When she entered my car, I was being followed by a garbage truck that had lost control on the slope, people by the road were shouting to other road users to get off the road! The truck driver had decided to use my car as breaks without my suspicion. Fortunately, the lady in my car directed me to make a left turn. Immediately I made the turn, the garbage truck swayed back into the road and missed us narrowly. I wondered what would have happened if I had not made that left turn at that particular time? We would not have survived that accident. I was later told by the Lord to stop using that car until its curses were non-existent. How do curses leave an item like a car? If you have an item that was previously owned by a cursed person, that item is most likely cursed. In my case, I purchased my car used from Japan and did not know who the previous owner was. The Lord revealed to me that the previous owner was a condemned man. If you have given your all to God, He is faithful and will reveal to you which of your property is cursed.

How Will You Give Your All To God?
When you give your all to God, He will commit Himself to ensure that you are at peace. How does God want me to give my all to Him? You just have to ask Him to receive all that you own and all that you have. If you think that you can hide anything from God, you will not understand why He has to ask you for your permission to give to Him your All. Adam hid from God yet He is all-knowing and omnipresent. He still asked Adam: "Where art thou?" He is not going to force anyone to do His will. He will, however, convict you if you are not doing His will.